Translation Studies Masterclass

On September 30, 2024, the global translation community celebrated its professional holiday – International Translation Day. On this day, the "Referent-Translator" Faculty of People's Ukrainian Academy (PUA) organized a meeting with the world-renowned translator, writer, and lecturer, Olena Kostyukovych (Italy).

Grant Support for Students: PUA Among the Partners of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

The experiment on grant-based state support for students in Ukraine is gaining momentum, and People’s Ukrainian Academy is one of its participants.

PUA Students Among the Winners of the "Ukraine and Kharkiv" Quiz

We congratulate Philip Moskalenko, a master's student from the "Referent-Translator" Faculty, on his victory (1st place) in the online quiz "Ukraine and Kharkiv," which involved over 50 students and schoolchildren from Kharkiv.

The State Service for Education Quality Determines Risk Levels for Higher Education Institutions

The 2024/2025 academic year started with more good news: the State Service for Education Quality has classified our university as a low-risk institution in terms of conducting educational activities!

Another Partnership Project!

People's Ukrainian Academy has become a participant in the "Transparent Universities" project, implemented by the Integrity Office of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP).



Юридична адреса:

Харківський гуманітарний університет «Народна українська академія»
Вул. Лермонтовська, 27
м Харків, Україна, 61024

Факс: +38(057)-704-10-70

Офіційна електронна адреса: rector.hgu.nua@ukr.net

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+38 (095) -819-41-48

Приймальна комісія:

+38(095)-819-41-48 (Viber, Telegram)

+38 (057) -704-10-37

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факультет "Референт-перекладач":


факультет "Соціальний менеджмент" :

+38(050)-978-41-74(через Telegram)

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