"Theory without practice is dead, and practice without theory is blind"

Practical training of students is an important component of educational activity, within which students carry out certain types of work related to their future professional activities and aimed at the formation, consolidation, development of practical skills and competencies in the profile of the educational program "Business Economics and Its Legal Support".

Summer sun by the hands of pupils of the Children's School for Early Development

The sun is shining brightly, summer is at the height! This is the most beloved and long-awaited season for any child, regardless of age.

The 28th of July is the day of Ukrainian statehood

The day of Ukrainian  statehood was made by the decree of the President of Ukraine, that was adopted by Verkhovna Rada on the 31 st of May 2022.

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Юридична адреса:

Харківський гуманітарний університет «Народна українська академія»
Вул. Майка Йогансена, 27
м Харків, Україна, 61024

Факс: +38(057)-704-10-70

Офіційна електронна адреса: rector.hgu.nua@ukr.net

Приймальня ректора:

+38 (095) -819-41-48

Приймальна комісія:

+38(095)-819-41-48 (Viber, Telegram)

+38 (057) -704-10-37

факультет "Бізнес-управління":


факультет "Референт-перекладач":


факультет "Соціальний менеджмент" :

+38(050)-978-41-74(через Telegram)

факультет післядипломної освіти (друга вища освіта):



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