All children are willing to have a pet, even the smallest one. Sadly enough, with inventions of various gadgets, fewer and fewer of them tend to have a real pet. Parents often do not allow to have one.
All children are willing to have a pet, even the smallest one. Sadly enough, with inventions of various gadgets, fewer and fewer of them tend to have a real pet. Parents often do not allow to have one.
The sun is shining brightly, summer is at the height! This is the most beloved and long-awaited season for any child, regardless of age.
Юридична адреса:
Харківський гуманітарний університет «Народна українська академія»
Вул. Майка Йогансена, 27
м Харків, Україна, 61024
Приймальна комісія:
+38(095)-819-41-48 (Viber, Telegram)
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факультет "Референт-перекладач":
факультет "Соціальний менеджмент" :
+38(050)-978-41-74(через Telegram)
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