XXII international conference "University communities and their role in the conditions of diffuseness of modern education" took place

More than 230 participants joined the work of the scientific forum, including those from 10 foreign countries: Austria, Brazil, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, the USA, Hungary, France, Sweden.

ХХІІ February conference in PUA

An important scientific event is approaching - it is a traditional scientific conference in KhUH ‘PUA’, which has confirmed it status and expertise over the years.

Participation of world-renowned researchers in the traditional February PUA conference

Traditionally, in February,  Kharkiv University of Humanities  "People’s Ukrainian Academy"  holds an international scientific forum on education. In 2024, the theme of the XXIII International Scientific and Practical Conference is "UNIVERSITY COMMUNITIES AND THEIR ROLE IN DIFFUSION OF MODERN EDUCATION".

Science Day for Peace and Development

Every year on November 10, the World Science Day for Peace and Development is celebrated.

Sharing experience

On June 8, PUA representatives took part in the II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Adult education: global trends, Ukrainian reality and prospects” held by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine together with the Ivan Ziaziun Institute for Pedagogical and Adult Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine.

PUA is establishing contacts with the European Consortium of Political Research

At the April meeting of the Council of the European Consortium of Political Research, PUA was represented by Assoc. Prof. T. Zverko.

The Day of Science: the results

The framework of the 30th Day of Science in PUA comprised 12 different sections of 3 conferences: 8 sections of the International Students Scientific conference, 3 sections of the Regional Scientific and Practical Teachers conference and a section of Scientific and Theoretical conference of Young Researchers.

XXI International Scientific and Practical Conference: Afterword

The work of the International scientific and practical conference "Attractiveness of an Educational Institution: Components and Trends", which took place on February 10, 2023 at Kharkiv University of Humanities "People's Ukrainian Academy" ended.

Expert evaluations of PUA specialists in the IUA magazine

At the end of 2022, the journal of the International University Association of (IUA) published an article by NUA specialists on the impact of the war in Ukraine on the development of European higher education, where Prof. Astakhova K.V., prof. Mykhailova K.G. and Assoc. Guslenko I.Yu. shared their view on the modern challenges facing the […]

Institute of Affiliated PUA Professors

At the session of the Academic Council, there were discussed the most relevant issues, among which the information about the Institute of Affiliated Professors and the experience of its implementation in the People’s Ukrainian Academy took a special place.



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