Kharkiv University of Humanities "People’s Ukrainian Academy"
Dear prof. Kateryna,
We hope you, your colleagues and families are – and will – stay well and save!
We are completely shocked by the Russian aggression against your country. We are all working in higher education which stands for peaceful international exchange and cooperation – values that are fundamentally attacked by the aggression.
In these dark days we, the whole U-Multirank team, stand by Ukrainian universities and the Ukraine.
We think in this situation we should do what we can to keep Ukrainian universities visible in U-Multirank – knowing that you now have different priorities than providing data to rankings. Data collection is closed, and we are now working on the calculation of indicators. The preliminary results will be sent soon to all participating institutions. You will be welcome to react and comment, but of course we understand when this is not high on your agenda now. In cases of doubts and uncertainty about certain data we will surely find good solutions. Our best wishes, on behalf of the whole U-Multirank team
Gero Federkeil
Managing Director
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